Magasins Waucquez

1906 Victor Horta

Rue des sables 20 | Bruxelles

This former store (which today houses the Belgian Comic Strip Centre) is an Art Nouveau masterpiece designed by Victor Horta. Refreshingly, this was not a private residence, but a “temple of commerce”; textile merchant Charles Wauquez commissioned Horta to build a new wholesale outlet in which he could both receive his customers and store his stock.

Protected heritage in Brussels
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The façade is fairly harmonious and just contoured in the centre. On the ground floor, note the nameplate on the left and the service door on the right.
Look at the blue stone base! Horta used this feature as a way of subtly offsetting the slope of the street, thereby rebalancing the façade.

Visitors to the Comic Strip Centre can easily see this former store at the same time. Having gone through the entrance porch, you reach an interior space illuminated by a street light and a glazed skylight. The staircase there evokes the splendour of Classical architecture, in keeping with the space. The ironwork on the bannister features the motif of a flower emerging from two stylised leaves, which is repeated in the railings on the first floor.


By the same architect